I found the new SS 2015 from Broste Copenhagen what I really like. I think Broste has a wonderful porcelain and great cutlery. My favorite is the golden cutlery. It fits with his sleek and simple design to the porcelain. It gives as well a good contrast to the dishware and the textiles.




I am really in love with good food, Paleo , and pretty dishes. For me it is really important, because dining is for me a pleasure. Therefore, and of course to serve and present the food, I am always looking for beautiful dishware. It makes it every time, while I am eating, special to me. This does not mean that I always use my best tabledish and the golden spoon, but I think you should take time while you are dining and enjoy it. Some people buy good stuff and rarely use it, because of waiting for the special day or moment.
Not me, I am trying to make everyday special and enjoy everything I am doing. So I am using my good stuff a lot and appreciate it every time.


Images: Broste Copenhagen
Website: http://www.brostecopenhagen.com